Caregivers, Friends & Community Members


By completing the information below, you are subscribing to receive news and information from the Histiocytosis Association. 

We ask for detailed information to help us best understand the makeup of the histiocytosis community and to tailor our communications, outreach, programs, and services as best as possible to your needs and concerns. 

We will provide you with customized content and the relevant information you need based on your interests. Keep an eye on your inbox for more information soon!

  Your Contact Information:










Date of Birth:



Question - Not Required - Your Date of Birth (optional, for birthday communications):


* What is your race or ethnicity?
(Select one of the available choices or enter a different value.)

* Preferred Language
(Select one of the available choices or enter a different value.)



Question - Required - Patient Date of Birth (if you are unsure of exact date, please enter the first of the month and year):





* Please share the genetic mutation to help research efforts (if unknown, select unknown):
(Select one of the available choices or enter a different value.)





Question - Not Required - What would you like future efforts to focus on?


Question - Required - What information are you most interested in?


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